শনিবার, ১৪ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৭

Some people believe that crime is a result of social problems and poverty, others think that crime is a result of bad person's nature

Some people believe that crime is a result of social problems and poverty, others think that crime is a result of bad person's nature. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------: in each main paragraph, the topic sentence is followed by the sentences which develop from plan to paragraph. The number in the plan is shown in the paragraph. This is how your plan can develop into your paragraph. Planning the ideas Based on our identification of the key words, our plan will be something like this: Introduce idea: many people think crime is a result of the bad nature of some individuals. My own opinion, I agree with those who think that it is a result of social conditions. Paragraph 2: (View I disagree with) (1) cruel people commit crime example: children who bully others at school often become violent criminals later in life. (2) lazy and greedy people commit crime to get what they want without working hard example: stealing from others. Paragraph 3: (View I agree with) (1) social problems lead to crime, example: unemployment (2) poverty also leads to crime, people who don't have enough money steal, or rob others, in order to survive. Conclusion: repeat using some different words. Answer: Many people consider that innate characteristics are responsible for the fact that some people choose to turn to a career of crime. While I accept that crime may result from individual characteristics of violence or greed, I would argue that it is largely a consequence of social issues and poverty. There is a belief that a person's nature determines whether or not they become a criminal. (1) Firstly, some argue that an individual who is cruel turns to crime more easily than a kind person. For instance, a child bullying other boys or girls at school may turn into a violent criminal in the future. (2) Secondly, bad characteristics such as laziness or selfishness could also breed future offenders, who seek to acquire easy money without working for it. A number of youngsters choose to steal from others, instead of working hard to make an honest living. These are strong reasons for thinking that those who have an inborn bad nature are more likely to break the law. Nevertheless, it seems to me that social issues and poverty are the main causes behind crime. There are many problems in society which might lead to an increase in the crime rate. (1) For example, unemployment pushes people into resorting to crime because they simply cannot find a job. As a consequence, the number of offenders has climbed in many countries over recent decades. (2) Another reason is that, more broadly, poverty in general leads to a rise in crime. If people do not have enough money to make ends meet, they will be tempted to pursue illegal activities just to support themselves and their families. In conclusion, although both views certainly have some validity, it seems to me that the principal causes of crime are a result of social conditions and problems.

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